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About Me

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My Background

I come from a strong art and design background and creativity has always been part of my life. I've​ taken numerous art courses. I have a First Class BA (Hons) in Three Dimensional design and skilled in many areas from drawing to craft based work. I work in many different kinds of media: paper, wood, metal, clay etc using a variety of different creative techniques.

My passion also lies in Art Therapy and the personal benefits people achieve through creativity. I have a Masters in Psychological Research Methods and a BSc (Hons) in Psychology. I'm also currently studying to be Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and in the future wish to combine my passion with art and psychology into Art Psychotherapy, especially around mental health.

I've helped to facilitate art groups in NHS settings and experience of working in residential care homes for the elderly doing art and crafts. I'm also currently doing one to one art tutoring across all age ranges for those wishing to achieve educational grades or pursue art for pleasure.

I enjoy working within all aspects of creativity and sharing my interests with others.


Image by Rodger Wang

My Philosophy

I believe we all possess an ability to do art in whatever form that takes be it poetry, music, art, dancing, writing etc.​ For me it isn't about how skilled we are but rather what we get out of the process. This can range from emotional expression, fun, satisfaction, a release of thoughts/feelings, physical exercise or just pure joy! 

It doesn't matter about the skill needed - just get absorbed in the creative process and enjoy the journey.

No pressure just pleasure!


Group Coloring

Art in Action

My Art in Action offers bespoke services​ - facilitating small art/craft groups in residential homes, mental health organisations, educational settings, employment and other areas of the community. I also offer home art tuition. I offer good rates based on excellent quality and a unique services.

My emphasis is on well-being and fun. Getting involved in creativity can bring about many therapeutic benefits such as expressing emotions, relaxation from the stresses of life, mindfulness, sensory stimulation, achieving physical dexterity and coordination or purely just having fun. Using simple creative techniques I like to involve as many senses as possible.


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